
by - 10:37 PM
 It is time for me to say goodbye...this blog stopped feeling like home for a long time. and I tried Wordpress... but that was just not for me. I don't think I understand the draw to Wordpress but to each their I'm trying something different...I've started a new blog on blogger. both this...

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by - 6:41 PM
 I wasn't sure if I would write this post.coming back here feels... strange. I created a WordPress blog because that's professional and that's how authors work. Professional. But the user-friendliness of blogger is something I miss. Despite many claims that WordPress is easy and better, I still have my reservations on that. Quite honestly, I've struggled...

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where I've been

by - 6:00 AM
I've been hiding. I've been contemplating everything about this blog. I've been struggling to even write posts. The amount of drafts of this post I've deleted is insane. My heart has been heavy lately. Just a lot going on in my personal life all hitting at once. There's been a lot of good, too....

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by - 6:00 AM
truthfully... I haven't stuck to my four pillars. I could feel myself veering off track lately with what I set out to do in giving myself structure for this blog. but my issue lies in the fact that the four pillars I set for myself were not four pillars that suited me and who...

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i was feeling anxious so i wrote you a poem

by - 6:00 AM
I was feeling anxious so I wrote you a poemonly to remember you wouldn't see itbecause you weren't coming back to meyet I kept writing the poemwishing dearly that maybe some dayI could set the paper free to the windand it would find youwherever you may bei filled it with every word i...

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by - 6:00 AM
happy Wednesday!I'm sure you read the title and thought one of two things:1) GIVE ME THE UPDATES!!2) What is UNITED WE FALL?UNITED WE FALL is book two in the HOW WE RISE trilogy. It is a book very near to me, as I poured a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it....

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some of the words in my soul

by - 6:00 AM
in a glancei saw you therewaiting in the cornerperhaps waiting for someoneto make the moveto speak to you such a lonely cornerand such a broken placeto search for other soulsyet here I amand here you are ~*~in the nightas darkness falls all is quietand I thinkI am the only soul to existbut maybesomewhere out thereyou're still...

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some random thoughts

by - 6:00 AM
sometimes it's just the rain that calms my mind and eases me into peace. the sound of it hitting the pavement, the sight of it as it rolls down the windshield. the dim glow from the street light. it's the 4am mornings where I drag myself out of bed for another day at work,...

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write for yourself

by - 6:00 AM
Your words are powerful. They mean something to people. We see bestselling authors write and write and write and their words mean things to people. And that's something that is beautiful and amazing. But lately, I've been struggling with writing. It's been pretty hard. And I had this realization as I was sitting in my...

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Writing Update: On Writing More Books After Being Published

by - 6:00 AM
The amount of WIPs I have started is quite a scandal but you won't be hearing about this one because I'm writing it for myself at this point in time. Even my critique partner/best friend/partner in crime isn't seeing everything because I want it to be for me. I'm writing it at my...

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Three Ways To Get Out Of A Reading Slump

by - 7:00 AM
Reading slumps are so annoying, am I right?I'm currently suffering from a reading slump at this very moment. I have two books sitting right here with me that I'm supposed to be reading, but neither are appealing to me at this moment in time. What two books am I stalling on, you might ask?Well,...

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drowning: a poem

by - 7:20 AM
 I thought I made it out alivebut you pushed me back into the watersnow I'm fighting to hold my breathI don't want to drownI kick and kick the waterbut you chained an anchor to my anklepulling me deepd e e pd e e pd e e p e rI try to swim uptry...

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Starting A New System For My Blog

by - 7:00 AM
hello, frens. I'm hopping on today to tell you about some changes that are going to be taking place around here and what to expect from :: words in her soul :: in the coming weeks. I used to run a different blog. It feels like a lifetime ago. There was a pen name...

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music I've been feeling lately

by - 1:00 PM
So don't tell me when it's overI don't wanna knowI'm done carrying the weight of the worldSo heavy on my shouldersI just wanna feel this loveEven if it's only when I'm tripping I see your faceI ain't doing no one a favor while I'm soberFor the moment I can only hope this lasts'Cause when...

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revenge: a poem

by - 2:00 PM
my head poundsmy heart tremblesmy thoughts racewhen I feel that rushof your skin brushing minethe butterflies do their dancemy hands shakemy heart quakesand then you flash that smile at meyou hold onto melike I'm your only hopeyou look upon melike I'm your saving gracebut I'm just as brokenjust as beatenjust as bruisedand I'm...

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:: of ruin ::

by - 5:00 AM
oh, the bitter wind stingsagainst uncovered skinoh the bitter wind singsviolent songs of ruinand how the landin white and frostlike an apparition of the pasthaunts a memoryso sweetin the ruin and painI searched for the lightbut found only more darknesssinking it's venom-coated fangsdeeper into my fleshand though I shouted for some sort of...

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:: who you are ::

by - 5:00 AM
*pictures in collage from pinterest*"you know exactly who you are..."~ Hiccup, how to train your dragon 2who are you, when the lights are off and no one is around? what is your story?are you who you say you are? who you present yourself to be? or are we all just wearing a mask...

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:: the end ::

by - 10:00 AM
 *all pictures are from pinterest. all rights to their respective ownersand in the endI'd do it all again~ fobthis blog and blogs I've run before have given me some of the best and worst experiences. and to let go doesn't feel entirely right.and we've done this before. I let go, then I come...

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