:: of ruin ::

by - 5:00 AM

oh, the bitter wind stings
against uncovered skin
oh the bitter wind sings
violent songs of ruin

and how the land
in white and frost
like an apparition of the past
haunts a memory
so sweet

in the ruin and pain
I searched for the light
but found only more darkness
sinking it's venom-coated fangs
deeper into my flesh

and though I shouted for some sort of help
no one came to my aid
no one heard my cry of death

to my knees, I fell
unraveling in the snow
bleeding out the song in my veins
life leaving through the puncture wounds

and on my knees, is where I learned to be strong
to cry out for help to the One who would hear me
for people, they fail

friends leave
acquaintances fade off
everything becomes white noise
and shattered voices

but then I was touched
by a sight so holy
and felt the healing 
enter my body

and soon my heart
still broken
still bruised
began to mend

"there will be some scars" He said
"for we don't want to forget.
but we do forgive
we do hope
we do seek light"

I felt the tears as they rushed
in a deluge down my cheeks
I felt His presence begin to drift

"Don't leave!" I yelled
and he merely smiled at me

"I am with you wherever you go" He said
and on my feet I went
chasing after His promise
catching light in the palms of my hands

sometimes the darkness invades again
for it is yet to be conquered entirely
but I merely let the light guide me
even in the dark

because the light
though I may not feel it
never leaves

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  1. Booooo this is beautiful. I love it. Your heart is so evident here *sobs*

    Thank you for sharing. Thank you. <3 <3

  2. What a beautiful piece. I was so moved by it. <3 <3
