some random thoughts

by - 6:00 AM

sometimes it's just the rain that calms my mind and eases me into peace. the sound of it hitting the pavement, the sight of it as it rolls down the windshield. the dim glow from the street light. 

it's the 4am mornings where I drag myself out of bed for another day at work, washing my face in an effort to wake up. 

it's feeling like breaking apart because there's too much to do and no energy to do it. sadness filling my veins. 

adulting is expensive and hard and no one ever really prepares you for it. you're thrown in before you're ready and told to make your way in this world, to get a job, to go to college, to have your life figured out by the time you're eighteen.

my brain doesn't work that way. I'm quite happy I chose the no school route and went straight to work, but even then I sometimes feel like I'm not ready to be this adult that I'm supposed to be. and I turn 22 this year, so I've been an adult for a while. 

nothing prepares you for getting into two car accidents so close together that you lose your ability to drive or even ride along without panicking. or trying to find a used car and the expense of insurance, gas, car payments, on a paycheck that barely is anything. 

life really has no preparation, it's like suddenly you're this adult who has to function and it's sink or swim and all I feel is drowning deeper and deeper. 

but I know things will get better eventually. I have to remind myself of that, and often times I don't remind myself and thus further in the spiral I go. 

you lose people along the way.

you lose faith along the way.

you lose strength along the way.

but then...

you find people who will stick around.

you find your faith again.

you find strength again in the deepest parts of yourself you didn't know existed.

and then you grow.

and you keep going. 


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  1. <3 <3 <3 There's so much that goes into being an adult and I don't think any of us are really prepared for it, but I know you, and I know you're rocking it, even if you're so tired. You can do this. Keep going. Keep fighting. <3 I'm with you, and Jesus will hold you faster than any human ever could.

    <3 <3

    1. yes, definitely. thank you, my boo <3 <3 <3 I'm with you too

  2. I know they say childhood goes by fast but what happened the last couple years? It feels like yesterday I was 18 and just starting college and yet I'm a couple months away from graduation? Aah! (Seriously though, I was talking about something that happened in 2012 and was like, "So 6 years ago." and someone had to stop me and be like, "Its not 2018 right now?" Oop)

    I've been having the same feeling a being crushed under everything these past couple weeks and having so much to do and no energy to do it. But then today it was really nice out and I got coffee and called home and laid in the sun suddenly everything was a little bit better. Your sunny day will be there before you know it. (Or, rainy day if that's more your jam) :D

    1. I feel so old thinking about things that happened six years ago or even ten years ago. Like... WHAT?? where did the time GO? and it feels like just yesterday I began blogging and graduated high school. It's amazing!

      I hope your days get better and less pressure with the weight of everything <3 <3 (I love rainy days, haha)

  3. I'm 26 and have absolutely nothing figured out. It's definitely harder than I thought it was going to be.

    1. yeah. everything feels so... unsteady. I hope as time goes on, we both figure things out

  4. I just turned into an adult and I can already relate to some of these thoughts. Though My family are really understand how I am not ready to be the adult that society expects me to be. But even then it is sometimes hard not to feel the pressure and the expectations. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. <3
