:: 2020 ::

by - 6:00 AM
2020 has been a year of challenge. A year of crumbling apart, rebuilding, and breaking again. It has not been an easy year. Looking through my entire life, looking back on some pretty dark periods, I would say this year might have been the worst year I have ever experienced. Not only is there...

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:: AMA but only Faith got to ask me questions ::

by - 6:00 AM
greetings and welcome to another crazy episode of Faith and Brookie. Today, we're having the episode on my blog because we thought why not. About a week or so ago, I held an AMA on instagram and Faith missed out because she was super busy that day. Even though I totally understood that, she...

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:: the truth about being an author ::

by - 6:00 AM
the truth is it's not a life full of glamor. maybe the trad authors feel more glamorous. maybe this is an indie thing. but sometimes I feel like a fraud. sometimes I feel like I'm spinning out of control. like I didn't actually publish a book. It doesn't feel like I could have published a...

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:: introducing a new wip ::

by - 6:00 AM
I'll be honest, I didn't plan for this type of post, but my bestie suggested it aka begged me to do this post. And seeing as I had no other idea for this week, I figured I would go ahead and do that.But before we begin, Bestie has a post very similar, with...

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:: three tips for writing unique books ::

by - 6:00 AM
Don't you love it when a book is so different from anything you've ever read, yet so compelling and enticing that you just can't put it down?Today I'm going to give you some tips on writing a unique book. Please note that these aren't ride or die tips, or must-haves. Every writer is...

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:: reminders for writers during november ::

by - 6:00 AM
 If you're an avid writer, you may have heard of something called NaNoWriMo or Nation Novel Writer's Month. This year, this is also a Non-Nano, which from what I understand is similar to NaNo but not affiliated with the actual NaNoWriMo website. I did NaNoWriMo once. Last year. I wrote the entirety of book...

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:: book review :: The Raven Boys

by - 6:00 AM
okayokayOKAYEVERYONE STAY CALMTHIS BOOK*screams into a pillow*THIS FREAKING BOOK OH MY WORDokay let me just dump my thoughts here for you of this amazing book that you definitely need in your life. It has everything perfect for an autumn read even though it's a book that takes place in April. Honestly, I don't know...

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:: october 2020 ::

by - 6:00 AM
in my mind, endless sea, calling from the bottom but you don't hear me//starset i don't know where you're going, but do you got room for one more troubled soul// fobi'm coming, wait for me, I hear the walls repeating the falling of our feet, sounds like drumming// hadestownI don't quite know, how to...

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My 5 WIP Playlists (And How It Helped Me Write More)// A Collab with SJ Barnard

by - 6:00 AM
Hullo, world! My name is S. J. Barnard, a fellow blogger and aspiring author with a penchant to tea drinking. I’m greatly honoured to be able to do this collab with Brooke! Thank you, Brooke. :) I was super excited when her first book came out, and am desperately saving up to buy an...

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Welcome to the Relaunch of Words In Her Soul

by - 6:00 AM
Hello, everyone!Today, I am excited to announce the relaunch of my blog/website! For a long time, I wasn't sure if I would continue blogging since I had lost a lot of fire for the blogging world. But I wasn't convinced I wanted to give up. So, I decided to make this blog my author...

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