Welcome to the Relaunch of Words In Her Soul

by - 6:00 AM

Hello, everyone!

Today, I am excited to announce the relaunch of my blog/website! For a long time, I wasn't sure if I would continue blogging since I had lost a lot of fire for the blogging world. But I wasn't convinced I wanted to give up. 

So, I decided to make this blog my author website and a hub for all updates, news, posts about writing, publishing, book reviews, and mental health. These are all topics I'm passionate about and want to blog about. 

Don't worry, I'm sure there will be a short story or poem here and there, just like in my old theme. 

If you're new here, welcome! My name is Brooke, and I'm the author of the dystopian/contemporary young adult novel, How We Rise. HWR is my debut novel, and you can find more info about it here

I self-published How We Rise on May 19th of 2020. Book two is under edits by yours truly before I contact my editor again.

Some Facts About Me:

- I started writing in 2014, when I was 15. I started writing How We Rise in August of that same year. And for the years until publication, I constantly rewrote the book, trying to find my voice, my sense of who I am as an author and writer, and what message I was trying to convey. The book itself was inspired by a conversation I had with my dad. 

- I am 21 years old

- I am an INFP, which means I am in a constant state of feeling things and wanting to express those feelings through more tangible outlets. (Aka, I'm bad with speaking what I feel hence why I write.)

- I am a 4w5 with enneagram, but I don't know much about what that means besides the fact it reinforces those INFP tendencies such as wanting to be creative and unique from the world, yet feeling misunderstood.  

- I love music. Spotify is my happy place. The app feels so safe. 

- My music ranges from Starset to Shy Martin to Fleurie to The Score. I listen to a lot of different music and I always have song recommendations. 

- I am a southern girl, born and raised. 

- I love God. I love Jesus. I don't write Christian fiction, as my books will have some dark content, but there will always be hope in my books, as well as morals. The classic Good vs. Evil themes. 

Some topics that will be discussed on this blog:

- Writing: things I've learned, tips I have, my own writing process, short stories, poems, book reveals, and more.

- Indie Publishing: considering it's the only publishing I know, I will be talking heavily on Indie publishing and why I chose Indie. I will also be giving you some insider tips for KDP, KDP Print, and Ingram Spark.

- Books: I am a book lover and crazy about books, which means I'd love to do reviews of books, talk about books in general, and more.

Mental Health: I have anxiety and depression and that can affect a lot of things, including writing, but even just every day function. A lot more people are talking about their struggles, but I want to talk about mine from the prospective of an author, dealing with things such as imposter's syndrome and the real feelings I had after publishing my first book. (Hint, they weren't all warm and fuzzy feels.)


If any of that sounds interesting to you, I'd love for you to stick around! I'm excited to begin this journey and to share it with y'all.

Tell me in the comments
below if you have a 
blog, or if you're thinking
of starting one! I'd love to follow
you or keep an eye out for you!

Stay Amazing!
~ Brooke

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  1. I'm excited for all the topics, writing, books, and mental health are all things that interest me.
    Hope it goes well!

    1. thank you so much!! I'm really excited too! <3 I hope you enjoy all the posts to come!

  2. AGGGHHHH I'm so excited for all of this, boo. You're amazing and I love you so so much--you're going to rock this world. Don't give up when it's tough. You can do this and I'm thrilled to see what you're going to do with this blog. <3

    1. oh my word boo, your words are everything to me. Thank you so much! I love you so so much, more than I can ever express. Thank you for inspiring me to keep blogging and to keep going when it's hard. You're amazing <3

  3. AGH, I'm so excited for you, Brookie. This looks so good and I love the style and tone of this new, revised site. I wish you all the best of luck, girly. *throws confetti as promised*

    1. awwww thanks, Bree! You're so kind and your encouragement means so much!

  4. Yay, I'm so excited for this relaunch! Best of luck, Brooke, and I can't wait to see what you do! <3 <3

    1. Thank you, Nicole! I'm excited to see what's to come with this blog as well. I hope you enjoy! <3

  5. i'm so happy for you!!! I can't wait for all the new posts <3<3<3<3

    1. aww thanks, Lia! You're support has meant so much to me!! <3 <3

  6. Hey Brooke!
    So happy for you revamping your blog to be the best blog for you! Can't wait too see what you post!!!

  7. It's nice to met you. I've been reading a few of your previous posts before you revamped your blog. I love the sound of the future with this blog, so I'll stick around for quite a while (maybe forever). I can't wait for more posts from you. <3
    I have started a blog this year. If you want, you can check it out. https://ribbonash.blogspot.com/

    1. Aww thank you so so much! That means so much to me!! <3 *Sobs*

      your blog is amazing too!!
