Angel Gate Blog Tour//Book Review

by - 9:00 AM

Welcome, one and all to today's post!

Today, I have a book review for you. We love books around here, don't we?

I have a book that's not only amazingly deep but honestly took me on the ride of my life. I love this book so much and you will, too. Also, you may be thinking, "Wow, that cover is a little girly."

I don't think I have that many male followers, but for those of you here, welcome! This book was not at all girly. In fact, I think both genders will enjoy this book. It was so deep.

Enough ramblings, let's get to the review.

But first... book details!

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Would the penalty for his questions–and his love–be lethal?

He’s got it all—looks, charisma, the compelling grin—everything Hollywood could ever ask for. Cass Remmlone is finally living his dreams. Maybe he’s not like he used to be. Maybe he doesn’t call home anymore, doesn’t read his Bible, doesn’t darken the doors of a church. But he’s having fun—and he’s having it with his best friend, Eddie Barlow.

Cass should have known God wouldn’t shut His eyes forever. Chastisement slams so fast Cass hardly knows what’s happening. Eddie is lying on the pavement, paramedics hunkering over him, even as his face goes slack. He whispers one name: Madeline.

Drowning in the horrors of his grief, Cass climbs into his convertible and drives away, leaving behind a career he spent most of his life pursuing. With nothing more than a letter and a name to go on, Cass finds himself in a town called Angel Gate, West Virginia, where he hopes to uncover more about the woman named Madeline. It is mere providence that leads him to the rundown farm, where he catches his first sight of Audrey Wade. If he thought she was beautiful before, the fact that she wants nothing to do with him only increases his attraction. But are his efforts even fruitful? Or is he wasting his time?

The longer he spends in Angel Gate, the more he begins to sense something sinister. A child is in danger, yet no one seems to notice. And who is Madeline? Why does the town go hush at the sound of her name? The closer he comes to the answers, the deeper he sinks into a nightmare.

Cass Remmlone can star in a movie...but can he rescue a child, win Audrey’s heart, and uncover a grisly truth? Or will he die trying?

From that description, you may be thinking this is about a movie star who falls in love with a small-town farm girl, and this is the story of their ups and downs. 

No, Son - Filthy Frank GIF - Sarcastic Laugh Haha GIFs

The story begins with a little flashback of something that happened in Audrey's life. Then we're in Cass's POV, seeing him running from a horrible event, though we're not quite sure what happened yet. We see the struggles he has from life events.

Sidenote: this is Christian fiction, but it wasn't super preachy like some Christian fiction. This was subtle, so even non-Christians can enjoy this book. 

Back to the review, this book knocked me off my feet. It took me about a day to read this because I was so into this story world. I've never read one of this author's book's before, so you can bet I will be reading more of her work. It's amazing.

As the story went on, it only dove deeper into serious topics that many authors are too afraid to touch. And this author did it with tact.

I love how the book resolved the conflicts.

Also, the characters and small-town vibes were AMAZING. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!


To see my Goodreads review, click here.

About The Author:

WILLOWY WHISPER is a young Christian fiction author,  graphic designer, and photographer. She lives in a beautiful place called West Virginia, nestled between mountain and field. She is the author of eleven novels, ten of which are published, and numerous short stories. She enjoys playing the piano, guitar,  mandolin, and ukulele. She is also a born-again believer in Jesus  Christ, an incurable romantic, and a passionate dreamer.

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  1. Why am I still wheezing over that gif my word xD

    I need this book in my life apparently

  2. Hmmmm I think I'll be reading this book xD

  3. This book sounds AMAZING, holy cow O_O Great review!!

  4. This looks so goodddd!! And that gif xD

    1. It is amazing!!

      Hahaha, that gif is the star of the show, lol. xD

  5. Haven't read this one yet, but I LOVE Willowy's writing <33

    1. 10/10 RECOMMEND this one. My first read from her. It won't be my last. :D

  6. Oooh, this sounds amazing! I love your review, Brooke. <3
