:: antigravity:: starset The more I fight, the more I workThe more I dig into the dirtTo be fed up, to be let down :: dark on me :: starset You're the cause, the antidoteThe sinking ship that I could not let goWho led my way and disappearedHow could you just walk away...
:: dark to light ::
Brooke Riley
- 7:00 AM
*Disclaimer: All pictures in this post are from Pinterest, so credit to their respective owners life has it's own expectations of you realistic or unrealistic and it doesn't care if those are the things you desire no, life will make sure you feel guilted into doing what it wants but some are brave...
:: How We Rise is Published!! Aesthetics+ Snippets+ Meet the Characters ::
Brooke Riley
- 7:00 AM
Oh. My. GOODNESS!! IT IS FINALLY TIME! MY BOOK. IT'S OUT TODAY! ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜± I'm so excited to finally share my book with you, dear soul! Today is a special day. For many reasons. Not only is my book now available to you, but I am also twenty-one today. Scary, isn't it. But, it's...
:: exciting news ::
Brooke Riley
- 7:00 AM
So... there were some complications with the release date of my book. See, a lot of the complications were my fault, but the book was being sent out to people as if they had ordered instead of preordered. And that kinda... that was a fun moment. xD After some consideration, I've decided to...
:: taking a pause ::
Brooke Riley
- 8:00 AM
so... I'm taking a small break from blogging. It's not that I want to actually go on hiatus. But I'm feeling dried up on ideas for what I want to blog about. I have so many ambitions and goals, but I'm in a place of self-discovery. So some things in my life have...