:: april:: lyrics and journal excerpts

by - 8:00 AM
::lyrics that speak to me:: ~diving bell, starset~ In my mind endless sea calling from the bottom but you don't hear me send your line down to me meet me on the surface  I will never leave ~ hang on a little longer, ruelle~ It’s gonna get better one day The pain is...

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:: breathe ::

by - 8:00 AM
Dark Bending, twisting, running It’s cold, but the chill barely touches me now My heart thumps wildly in my chest I feel the darkness seeping around me The water rises above my head, taking the oxygen with it Darker Sinking Faster Deeper I grasp for something, anything to pull me up I only...

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How We Rise Cover Reveal: MY BABY HAS A FACE!!

by - 9:00 AM
*cue screaming* This moment right here is so surreal, y'all. I don't even know how to introduce this post. I am at a loss for words. My heart is so full and I'm going to cry if I keep talking like this, so let's get to the good stuff. First, I want to...

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a letter to my best friend

by - 9:00 AM
tomorrow is your birthday and that means it's a very special day it means tomorrow is the day of birth of someone who impacted my life greatly and showed me what it means to have a best friend the person I know will never betray or hurt me we've been through a lot...

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Cover Reveal// The Crownless King by Kara Linaburg

by - 10:00 AM
Hello, dear soul. Today I have the cover reveal for Kara Linaburg's new novel, The Crownless King. Kara is an amazing blogger and dear friend. She has been so kind and caring to literally everyone in the blogosphere, so if you haven't heard of her... where have you been? Without any delay, here is...

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::Drowning Again::

by - 9:00 AM
I wrote this in March. I had no intention to share it, but then I decided someone may need it. If you want the mood of this short piece, listen to DIVING BELL by STARSET. how dark the waters that rise above me shifting, churning waves hitting me like a slap in the...

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but if I choose darkness instead...

by - 12:00 PM
Back in March, (as if it was that long ago) I held a short story contest. Only one person entered. But that's okay, this story is so amazing that I know it would have been a serious contender. Lisa Elis, an amazing blogger and epic friend, wrote a wonderful story based on the...

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