Resurgence by K.A. Emmons// Blog Tour

by - 7:00 AM

Y'all, I failed so bad. This post was supposed to go up on Sunday. I'm so sorry.

But, better late than never, right?

TODAY, I am here to talk about Resurgence, the third, and final book of The Blood Race, my favorite book series EVER.

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200 years into Earth’s future, the Anomalies return… 

When Icarus and the other Anomalies of the Dimension reemerge into a war-torn world, they have no idea how to take down the Reformed Global Militia — a military superpower which now rules by force and mind-control. Without Hawk or Sensei by his side, Icarus is haunted by his own self-doubt and questions his ability to lead the sliders into battle. But when he’s captured and inducted into the RGM, Icarus must face his biggest challenge yet: keep his true identity a secret from the power that wants to kill him. 

While Fin roams the Irish countryside searching for Hawk, tensions rise between students in the Dimension. Desperate to escape the clutches of the RGM, Icarus makes a run for it — only to be captured again by a mysterious young corporal who’s been hiding a secret of her own…for the past 200 years. As the Anomalies prepare for war, the Dimension spirals out of control, creating more division than ever. Icarus is forced to make an impossible choice between life or death when he realizes that in order to defeat the darkness, he may have to become it.

Doesn't that just sound AMAZING!!

I had the wonderful opportunity of sitting down and interviewing Kate on this novel. Here's how that went.

Me: How was the process for Resurgence different from your other two books?

Kate: Every book is a different journey, just as every day is different from the rest; sure it’s another day, or another book, but it’s different. It offers us something new each and every time. It’s when we expect the same thing again that we begin to get stuck. Resurgence was no exception; it was different and strong and encompassing. It showed me truth in new ways and I’m grateful for that. I’m still learning, still listening to what it has to say.

Me: Out of the three books, which was your favorite to write? 

Kate: Worlds Beneath. I can’t really put into words why. But it was and forever will be important.

Me: What are some things about the publishing process that surprised you?

Kate: How much attention to detail everything demands in order for a book to be exactly what you would like it to be. Of course that’s a given, but I guess experiencing it a few times first hand has just really hit me with the gravity of the fact.

Me: Not writing-related, but when you go off-grid, what is your favorite activity to do?

Kate: I love to go surfing. I love to paddle out into the cold, New England waves and sit out there in the stillness between sets, watching the deep blue saltwater rise and fall like mountains and valleys. I feel peace very deeply out there. There’s nothing to be done, nothing to accomplish: it is all to simply enjoy.

Me: What type of writer are you? Do you prefer to plan things out, or do you write it all without an outline?

Kate: I usually get a vision of a story in my head and vividly see what I’m meant to write and then I go write it. Sometimes I’ll write down a few post-it notes with little details to remember, but lately I haven’t been. I just write what I feel inside me.

Me: What was the feeling of writing the final words in the final book of the TBR trilogy?

Kate: It was surreal. Happy. Emotional. It was a good feeling, but not one of finality. The world, the characters, what it all lives in my mind, and that never ends. That’s forever.

Me: From the beginning of The Blood Race to the end of Resurgence, how have you changed as a writer?

Kate: I believe that everything we create changes us just a little. Sometimes a lot. I don’t really know if I can even pinpoint exactly how it has changed me, as much as I can identify that yes, indeed it has. Every creation from the spirit is transformative. 

Me: And finally, moving forward, do you have any other books in the works? Anything you can share about future projects?

Kate: I’ve written nearly four books since completing Resurgence. We’ll see where those take us...I’m really excited to share more about that soon.

Thank you, Kate, for sitting down with me and answering my questions.

Okay, y'all, so you may be wondering my take on this book. Well, I'm about to give it to you.

My Review|
*This review contains spoilers for the first two books, though nothing that ruins the books. You may just be confused as to what I'm talking about.

Resurgence is the third and final book in The Blood Race Trilogy, which makes it bittersweet for me. This series got me through some tough times of anxiety. Especially Worlds Beneath. 

The storyworld is crazy! Resurgence takes place after the anomalies emerge from The Dimension. There's a lot of war and crazy stuff happening as the world has descended into chaos. There's a cool new POV that I won't tell you about, and also amazing new character arcs. Of course, we get to see the darling characters *cough* Fin *cough* and some new ones, too. 

The villain is unlike anything the sliders have dealt with before. Things get intense. Not that they weren't before. 

A lot of stuff happens. 

This book sums up the series in a beautiful bow. 

For a deeper review, please click here.

Follow Kate!


All right, friends, go get this book so you can read it. It's AMAZING!

Have you read the other books?
Or have you read this one?
Let's talk in the comment!

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  1. Oh my goodness, this book sounds so incredible! I can’t wait to get my hands on it. Lovely interview!

    1. IT IS INCREDIBLE!!! I LOVE IT!! Yes, get your hands on it, its amazing! Thank you!!

  2. I've been wanting to read The Blood Race series for SO LONG, and need to go about doing that soon! Beautiful review. <3 <3 <3

    1. YES, It's amazing! My favorite series ever! THANK YOU

  3. After I reread the first book in December, I am GOING to get Worlds Beneath!!! I MUST.

  4. i feel that i really need to read this series now lol i shall have to find them!

    1. yes you need to read this because they're AMAZING AND AWESOME AND LIFE CHANGING. I hope I don't hype them up too much but they are so awesome. AAAAAA ok, yes find them. xD

  5. I can't wait to finally get my copy of Resurgence ahhhhhhh! So glad you enjoyed it! I'm eager for an intense read. :D

    1. SAME!!! Mine has a delay on my order til the end of the month because of another book, but when I finally get to hold it in my hands!!!! AAAAAAHHHH.

      I loved it so much. I can't wait for you to read it!! <3 Definitely let me know what you think.
