by - 6:00 AM
happy Wednesday!I'm sure you read the title and thought one of two things:1) GIVE ME THE UPDATES!!2) What is UNITED WE FALL?UNITED WE FALL is book two in the HOW WE RISE trilogy. It is a book very near to me, as I poured a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into it....

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some of the words in my soul

by - 6:00 AM
in a glancei saw you therewaiting in the cornerperhaps waiting for someoneto make the moveto speak to you such a lonely cornerand such a broken placeto search for other soulsyet here I amand here you are ~*~in the nightas darkness falls all is quietand I thinkI am the only soul to existbut maybesomewhere out thereyou're still...

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some random thoughts

by - 6:00 AM
sometimes it's just the rain that calms my mind and eases me into peace. the sound of it hitting the pavement, the sight of it as it rolls down the windshield. the dim glow from the street light. it's the 4am mornings where I drag myself out of bed for another day at work,...

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write for yourself

by - 6:00 AM
Your words are powerful. They mean something to people. We see bestselling authors write and write and write and their words mean things to people. And that's something that is beautiful and amazing. But lately, I've been struggling with writing. It's been pretty hard. And I had this realization as I was sitting in my...

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Writing Update: On Writing More Books After Being Published

by - 6:00 AM
The amount of WIPs I have started is quite a scandal but you won't be hearing about this one because I'm writing it for myself at this point in time. Even my critique partner/best friend/partner in crime isn't seeing everything because I want it to be for me. I'm writing it at my...

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