:: 2020 ::

by - 6:00 AM
2020 has been a year of challenge. A year of crumbling apart, rebuilding, and breaking again. It has not been an easy year. Looking through my entire life, looking back on some pretty dark periods, I would say this year might have been the worst year I have ever experienced. Not only is there...

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:: AMA but only Faith got to ask me questions ::

by - 6:00 AM
greetings and welcome to another crazy episode of Faith and Brookie. Today, we're having the episode on my blog because we thought why not. About a week or so ago, I held an AMA on instagram and Faith missed out because she was super busy that day. Even though I totally understood that, she...

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:: the truth about being an author ::

by - 6:00 AM
the truth is it's not a life full of glamor. maybe the trad authors feel more glamorous. maybe this is an indie thing. but sometimes I feel like a fraud. sometimes I feel like I'm spinning out of control. like I didn't actually publish a book. It doesn't feel like I could have published a...

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:: introducing a new wip ::

by - 6:00 AM
I'll be honest, I didn't plan for this type of post, but my bestie suggested it aka begged me to do this post. And seeing as I had no other idea for this week, I figured I would go ahead and do that.But before we begin, Bestie has a post very similar, with...

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