A New Beginning...

by - 7:00 AM

Welcome to Storyteller Heart.

Don't click away thinking you've hit the wrong blog. This was Chasing Dragonflies and I still LOVE dragonflies. But I needed a change. I've been hitting a wall. I don't like writing the cookie-cutter blog posts about writing advice. There are plenty of blogs- AMAZING BLOGS- out there for that.

Sure, those posts are helpful and I love reading what other people have learned on their own writing journey. But... it isn't me. It isn't my passion to talk about writing. My passion is storytelling.

My passion is sharing the gift of words through the art of the story.

I don't love writing advice posts. I don't love talking about stories. I love actually writing the story.

So I decided that there was something I needed to do. And that meant making a huge change.

I'm not going to change my URL right now because that could mean all the people who follow my blog are automatically deleted and then y'all will never find me. Besides that, I do want to have my own website at some point, when the bank account is crying.

But, the heart behind this blog has always been the story.

I got to thinking a lot about what my purpose in life is. And you see, while I am doing a LOT of promotion for my books, I've realized something... something huge.

I don't want to be famous.

I want my words to take center stage.

I want the story to take center stage.

Lately, I've been uninspired. Which is why I'm writing this blog post and working on graphics the very day before it's meant to go up.

My post for today had originally been about something else.

But the reason why I've decided to make this change is because you're coming for words. You're coming here for the story. You're going to buy my book or not buy my book based on the story, the characters, the plot, and the writing style. 

I want to share with you my writing style. I want to feel freedom in creative expression. I want this place to be my release, my safety.

Not every Wednesday will be a short story or a blurb from a book. It won't always be snippets. Sometimes I may talk about a W.I.P. Sometimes, you may get a short story or flash fiction piece.

You may get aesthetics and words and ideas.

Sometimes, I may just rant about people and life.

I need this blog to be my r e l e a s e.

And for a while, it hasn't been. I was all too eager to take a break from blogging in November, not just because of NaNoWriMo, but because I was so bored of this. And when November was drawing to a close, I wasn't really excited to get back into blogging.

But now I am.

I have ideas and goals for this coming year. And I can't wait.

To recap:

Writing advice posts are gone unless I learn something super life-changing and want to share it. This blog is all about the thing I love: the story. The heart. The hope.

I may talk about life.

Above all, it's about the heart of the story.

I hope this is okay with you, and if it's not, I understand if you want to unfollow since this isn't the blog you followed to begin with. It won't hurt me. I am doing something that I need to do, so I respect whatever you need to do.

Signing off for now...


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  1. I am so excited for your next posts, Brooke! (And that header image is gorgeous. <3) I’ll be sticking around. :D

    1. Thanks, love. <3 <3 (Maybe I'll get a better looking profile picture soon, too.) xD

      Thank you!!!!

  2. This is exciting! I can't wait to read your stories!

  3. Change is always exciting!! I can't wait to keep reading. :D

  4. Love the new look/theme. <3 Can't wait to see what you come up with!!
    I'm sticking around! <333

  5. Hey, totally fine! I think everyone should blog about what THEY want. After all, it's their blog!!

    1. Thank you!! I'm excited for this change. It's definitely more of something that is peaceful to my soul. :D
      <3 <3 <3

  6. YES i love the new look, i love the new name! i am so excited for you! And i'll always be here for you no matter what!!!

  7. For some reason this post filled me with such feeeeels. Every word you write is so inspiring and I can't wait to see what comes next!!! LOVE YOU <333


  8. Ahhh how fun! I think blogs are the best places to release ourselves whether through fiction or opinion )

    MB> keturahskorner.blogspot.com
    PB> thegirlwhodoesntexist.com

    1. YES! I think advice blogs are AMAZING, but there are people who are doing it better than I am because they love it. This is the true me. It's not about my advice or what's right and wrong with writing. It's about my words and my style and that's what I want to convey. It's like I say, I don't want to be famous. I want my words to take center stage and be famous. <3

  9. “I want the story to take center stage.” << BROOKE!!! I am sosososo excited for this new path you’re taking...and this post was so sweet and definitely relatable for me! I have such a hard time coming up with writing advice posts and would rather just post my own stories instead, XD.

    Storyteller Heart sounds LOVELY and I am so happy for you! <33333

    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is honestly where my heart and soul lies. I can't write another post of advice because it's not me. It's not my passion. My passion is story and that's why I have to do this now. <3 <3 <3

      THANK YOU!!!!

  10. This is beautiful! Truth be told, I followed your blog because I wanted to hear about your heart and stories, not for writing advice. <3 I'm looking forward to exploring the depths of your stories with you, wherever that might be!

    1. Well you are about to be flooded with story. xD i'm happy you're excited for this!! Can't wait to show you what's next. <3 <3

  11. Can't wait for more story! :) I follow to read your thougts.


  12. Love this new turn! Can't wait to see what comes of it <3

  13. I'm so excited to see the new posts! Reading about others' work is honestly the most inspiring sort of content to me, I think because the pure joy and drive they have towards their writing is infectious. It gives ME so much more joy and drive towards my own writing than reading a post about how to effectively write description or something. Those posts can be super helpful at specific times. But for me, posts where others share their own work and take joy and pride in it are helpful ALL the time. There's never a time when I'm not excited to click on one of those posts or motivated to go work on my own stuff afterwards. I also think they bring a much more personal touch to blogging (which is what I'm here for--the people--not just tips and tricks I could do a Google search for whenever I wanted them). ANYWAY, that's a very long-winded way of saying I'm super excited about this and I can't wait to see what you post in 2020 <3 <3

    - Eleanor

  14. Somehow I never read this post and I was slightly confused by the name change, lol. But I'm sticking around! Super excited to see where this new path takes you!

  15. I love this new direction! I'm all for this!

    1. Thank you! It feels like a better fit for me, honestly.
