A New Beginning...

by - 7:00 AM
Welcome to Storyteller Heart. Don't click away thinking you've hit the wrong blog. This was Chasing Dragonflies and I still LOVE dragonflies. But I needed a change. I've been hitting a wall. I don't like writing the cookie-cutter blog posts about writing advice. There are plenty of blogs- AMAZING BLOGS- out there for...

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Five Things To Do When You've Finished Writing A Book

by - 7:00 AM
Writing a book is a huge undertaking. Be it fiction or nonfiction, you are pouring your heart and soul into something magical. The beauty of words on a page, words coming from the very depths of your soul is something unmatchable and priceless. And as you type "The End" or "To Be Continued,"...

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I'm Back// NaNo Results+Aesthetics+Rise Updates

by - 7:00 AM
*Author note: Lots of squealing and flailing will be happening beyond this point. You have been warned. Hello, everyone! I'm back! In case you missed the last post, (which you can find here) I went on hiatus for my first time doing NaNoWriMo. I knew there would be absolutely no way I could...

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