:: i miss the days when ::

by - 7:00 AM

I miss the days when...

I miss the days when writing was easy
I miss the days when life wasn't crashing down around me
I miss the days when people had compassion
and weren't quick to jump on each other

I miss the days when a story flowed from my fingertips
as if it was always there beneath the surface of my skin
I miss the days when sad music didn't describe the way I was feeling
I miss the days when I could read for hours on end
I miss the days when adulthood didn't come crashing in

I miss the days when dreams were like stardust
a sight to behold 
the days when I could reach for the stars
and stroke the face of the moon

I miss the days when the words came easy
and the nights grew long
as I clicked away at the keyboard
typing the story as it held me in its grasp

I miss the days when the sun was brighter
the sky was bluer
the heart was stronger

I miss the days when...
you can fill in the blank
this one is yours to take

I miss the days of peace
I miss the days of trust
I miss the days of being a kid
with a dream in her heart
and eyes full of stars

I miss the childhood depression and anxiety ripped away
I miss the days when life wasn't about money
a job
when all I had to do was my school for the day
write the time away
have all the time for play
had my own deadlines
made my own rules

now we play by the rules society has set
go to college
get a job
start a family
repeat your job for thirty-something years
retire long enough to see your grandchildren from time to time
grow older
rise up into the clouds
and your children repeat the same

over and over
the standards have been set

but what if I'm not ready
what if I didn't ask for this
what if I want to go back to the days
to the days I miss
when writing was easy
and it filled me with joy
when the story came to life
from under my skin
and onto the page

when the words mattered more
when the emotion was there
when the times were easy
when I could spend my days just reading and writing
I miss the days when...

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  1. *cries* don't we all feel this way at times?? Here's my blank filled in ...

    I miss the days when
    Ignorance was bliss
    When in my youthfull innocence
    I thought I could do anything
    I miss the days when
    I didn't fear the future
    When I laughed in its face
    It was just one more adventure

    love this post, and you!!
    ~ Lisa

    1. That is beautiful, Lisa <3 <3 And so relatable. Love you too, girl <3

  2. i love you, Brookie. 💛🥺✨

  3. I miss the days too. I adore the honesty in this piece.

    1. Thank you so much! That means a lot. This one has been my feelings lately. <3

  4. This is very true sometimes, especially when I feel stressed. Sometimes I like to dream of the good things in the future though.


    1. <3 <3 Always good to have goals and dreams. <3 <3

  5. *blinks away tears*

    I'm not crying, you're crying!!

    Aw, Brooke, this hit me so hard. So hard. Because it describes me so well right now, AND I'M NOT EVEN AN ADULT YET!!! I thank the LORD for being there with me through it all, because I wouldn't make it without Him.


    1. I am crying xD

      Yes, well, as an adult I can say that the feeling has been strong right now of missing the days, but even as a teenager, that feeling begins and I remember it well. God is good and He is the One getting me through this time. <3 <3 God bless you, Harper. You've got this! <3 <3

  6. I've been feeling like this a lot lately.
    Great poem!
