in which I return to my blog

by - 11:12 AM

I disappeared into the dark oblivion
because the light was too blinding for me

I'm sorry I said nothing to you
that I just run from the problem once more

running is what I do best



this is my return to blogging. 

but maybe not really?

see I've been struggling with a lot of

emotions with blogging and all the things

that seem to be falling apart

Obviously, we have some issues happening
in the world around us.

But my issue stems from anxiety and fear
and wishing I knew what it was I was made
to do.


New writing style. Probably annoying to some but I find it aesthetic because it's messy. 

Like me.

I'm messy. Life is messy. We're all messy right now. 

The point of this post is to tell you that, yes, I took a hiatus. I was starting to go down a dark path I did not want to enter again and some things had to give. Blogging became one of them, which led to me wondering if I should keep blogging.

I'm not someone who's all about numbers and followers. But my blog has been having very little interaction lately. I love the interaction, not just on my blog, but on social media and lately it hasn't been happening for me as much. 

But I don't want to just let go of this thing I've been doing for a while now. A long while. I've been blogging for nearly three years, one of those years has been here on this blog. 

My blogoversary already passed for Storyteller Heart (formally Chasing Dragonflies), but I never posted anything because I lost track of time. 

So here I am, posting my thoughts and my heart behind some things. 

I want to do more talking with you. I know this is about stories, but maybe there needs to be more. 


We all need that someone who
gets you like no one else
right when you need it the most
~ Alone, pt II- Alan Walker, Ava Max

 Just take one step closer, put one foot in front of the other
You'll get through this 
just follow the light in the darkness
 ~ You're Gonna Be Ok- Jenn Johnson

When did the scars over your heart become your hiding place?
When did the stars become so dark, you couldn't find your way?
The light inside your eyes is fading out, 
but I'm not gonna give up on you now 
~ My Arms- Jen Ledger

There's a darkness up ahead,
I will see you where the shadow ends
cross the badlands to rise again
I will see you where the shadow ends 
~ Where the Shadow Ends- Banners, Young Bombs

There's a light ahead
Day is coming soon
The highest of the highs
Rise and find us soon
~ Bleed Me White- The Sweeplings


I hope you now have an answer to where I went.

I feel like I should mention Lila and I are still running a contest. Remember that writing contest?

Yeah, well we only have one entry. The deadline is still March 25th. 

If there are no more entries, we will highlight the story and author and her blog.

The guidelines still exist. I will link the post here

That's it for now, dear soul. 

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  1. I love you.

    I love you so very much.

    And I will always be here.

    No matter what you decide.


  2. *hugs* whatever you choose to do, I’ll still be here. <3

    (also, thank you for that reminder about the contest - I’ve been meaning to enter but haven’t yet :D)

  3. Oh it was so nice to see a post from you pop up! *Hugs* I understand those dark roads, my friend. If you ever need to talk...hello. <3

    1. aww, thank you dear friend. <3

      Thank you. I will definitely reach out if I need anything. <3

  4. hi lovely.

    i love the new writing style.

    sometimes messy is hard
    the opposite of aesthetic.

    and i think we need more
    humans willing to be messy
    the opposite of aesthetic.

    sometimes messy is just messy
    and that’s okay.

    i love you.


    1. the fact that you responded in poem format has my heart singing right now okay.

      😭😭😭💛💛💛 I love you so much!!

  5. I love messy, aesthetic things! Beautiful post! <3

  6. Never forget how loved you are. <3

  7. I love your new writing style! More importantly, YOU like it, and it IS aesthetic!

    *makes a mental note to check out the writing contest*

    I do hope you're doing better after taking a hiatus! We're here for you no matter what. <3

  8. hey, Brooke. i really hope you're doing well. *hugs* don't forget we'll always support you in whatever you choose to do. ;) stay safe and healthy <3333

  9. i'm glad you're back <3 its ok to take time for yourself, goodness knows i do it often myself. Just know that whatever you decide to do, i've got your back <3 <3

  10. Love you so much, Brooke. <333 I'm here with you through it all.
