The Get To Know Me Tag

by - 9:00 AM

What's up, friends?

Today, I planned to do the first post about my plans for this blog and who I am. But those posts tend to be pretty cheesy, especially when I'm writing them. (This is not the first attempt at writing a post for this blog.)\

I decided I would steal the "The Get To Know Me Tag" from Savannah Grace over at Inspiring Writes. She has an AMAZING blog, which you can check out here.

Without further ado...

~Link back to the person who created the tag. (Which I did above, but here's another link in case you missed it.)
~Thank the person who tagged you. (Technically wasn't tagged, but proper etiquette is important.)
~ Share the tag graphic. (Optional since it probably won't go with everyone's blog style.)
~ Tag eleven bloggers. (Pretty much everyone I know has done this, so the first eleven people to comment who have NOT done the tag are officially tagged. You're welcome.)

(Pen)Name: My name is Brooke, but my pen name is E.B. or e.b. I think the lowercase looks more aesthetic, but I don't know if I'll keep that as a pen name or not.
Nicknames: Brooke, Ebbie, e.b, E.B.
Birthday: Oh my, that was quite a few centuries ago. I can't quite pinpoint my exact birthday at this post. I stopped counting my age after the last century.
Hair color and length: My hair is brown and it is way past my shoulders, but not quite waist-length, which is where I want it.
Eye color: Brownish
Braces/piercings/tattoos: I had braces when I was younger, I have a piercing in each ear (and I want more), and no tattoos, but I like to write a Bible verse for memory on my arms sometimes. And I try to pass them off as tattoos, but I don't know if I would ever go get a tattoo.
Righty or Lefty: I am right-handed
Ethnicity: Texan 🤠


First novel written: My first real novel is my current W.I.P, which I've decided not to name the title yet. For easy reference, we're going to call it Dystopian #1.
First novel completed: Dystopian #1. I'm prepping it for an editor right now.
Award for writing: I haven't won any official awards, but I have won some blog contests.
First publication: Technically none. I used to play on a website called Neopets and there was a writing forum there, where I was published, but those works are unspeakable.
Conference: I haven't been to any writing conferences yet. (UNPOPULAR OPINION: I'm actually okay with not going to a conference, but if an opportunity presents itself, I will go.)
Query/Pitch: None.


Novel (that you wrote): Probably Dystopian #1 because it's the only finished one right now.
Genre: Oooh, that's hard. I'd say the Speculative genre.
Author: Oh that's hard. I have two. K.A. Emmons and Abbie Emmons.
Writing Music: I like dark, cinematic music, such as Starset, Tommee Profitt, Fleurie, Srvcina, and other dark songs.
Time to Write: Any time I have a chance is my favorite time.
Writing snack/drink: I don't eat while writing because I find myself distracted too much. Water is my go to drink. I try to keep a cup or my water bottle with me so I stay hydrated.
Movie: How to Train Your Dragon Franchise (except the third movie, which disappointed me), and The Wizard of Oz
Writing Memory: Wow, probably when I won some contests on different blogs.
Childhood book: This hits deep. I loved Sisters Grimm, Junie B. Jones, and so many others. I can't just pick one. They all mean so much to me.


Reading: A LOT of books. I'm reading Strange the Dreamer, The Selection (for ranting purposes), You Were Here, and On The Edge of Gone. I'm in over my head, honestly.
Writing: Dystopian #1 is going through rewrites/editing. That's my only focus right now.
Listening to: SO MUCH VARIETY. Most likely Starlight by Starset or Underground by Lindsey Stirling.
Watching: I'm currently watching Trollhunters with the family. It's pretty awesome, and it's on Netflix.
Learning: That I have to trust God more and worry less. It's a difficult process.


Want to be published? HECK YES!
Indie or Traditional? Indie all the way! I need control over my books. I want to select everything. Going Indie can be more expensive, but the control is all worth it for me.
Wildest goal? Make it on the bestseller list someday. Also to support myself as an Indie author and maybe have my own business.

This Blog|

I figured I should give you a bit of a description of this blog before we move forward. I am a writer, which means more often than not, I will talk about writing. If you are a writer or an avid reader, you will likely enjoy the content I publish on here.

This blog will also be about my life, my experiences, my faith, books I'm reading, book reviews, maybe even movie reviews, and so much more. This blog is going to be a representation of me.

I can't stick to one topic for long. I like the variety.

So, if any of these things are your cup of sweet iced tea, then I suggest you stick around. 😁

Did you learn anything 
interesting about me?
What are some fact about you?
What do you hope to see on this blog?
Keep the conversation going
down below! I'd love to talk to you!

"You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have." - Maya Angelou

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  1. Hey guys! This post was supposed to go up at 8:00 AM Central time, but unfortunately, Blogger is having issues. People who have put up posts aren't showing up in my feed and my post didn't go up, despite saying it was scheduled for 8:00 AM. So, yeah, here it is now.

    I will be posting on Wednesdays, probably at 6:00 AM central time from now on, in case anyone is curious. Thanks for your patience. 💙💙


  2. I don't like ice tea, but this blog will be my cup of coffee in the morning!😉

    I have braces currently and I am sooooo ready to get them oFF.

    Love you and this blog!! <3

    1. whaaaaaat you don't like iced tea are you even from the south??? xD jk jk

      Yaaassss girl! actually I miss mine, but that's because my orthodontist was the best. xD

      Love you, girl! <3

  3. what I learned about you is that WOW YOUR AESTHETIC GAME IS AMAZING AND GORGEOUS. k that's all I have to say.

    1. hahaha I know, you know so much about me already. xD THANK YOU, COMING FROM A FREAKING AESTHETIC QUEEN, THAT MEANS SO MUCH!! <3 <3

  4. Love this! I definitely ADORE Kate and Abbie as well (oh, and Lindsey Stirling is also amazing). I think I got my braces taken of a year ago or felt so weird but now I am used to it XD. Anyways girl, your blog is so wonderful ALREADY and your pen name is lovely!! ♥

    1. Kate and Abbie are so inspiring to me. I love some of Lindsey's music. I'm pretty new to her content, though. I've known about her but didn't realize how AWESOME she is.

      Yes, it feels so weird to get them taken off.

      Thank you so much!! <3

  5. Well, I love tea, so this is just perfect.
    And I think I learned a bit about you! Loving this so much! What do I want to see? More of your amazing words! Brooke is your real name? Because it actually seems to be perfectly you ;D

    1. Thank you so much, Keturah. That means so much to me. That my words make a difference.

      Yes it is. Thank you!! <3

  6. Oh yay this was so fun! <3 <3 <3 And your blog is freaking beautiful!

  7. I get distracted when I eat while writing too! It's so bad. I keep a snack nearby to "fuel" me and then I just end up sitting there staring at the screen eating. xD

    Can't wait to see more on this blog! I'm the same way; I blog about so many different things. Anything that matters to me personally goes. That's partly what a blog is for, anyway-- to be your own personal little space where you can express yourself!

  8. It's so hard. I'll get a snack and find myself watching YouTube or something, anything BUT writing and editing. xD

    That's so true! Blogging is a place to express your thoughts and ideas on anything. :D

    1. Yesss! YouTube is like a black hole of distractions. xD

  9. NO, HTTYD 3 IS DISAPPOINTING??? That’s sad to hear - I haven’t watched it yet but was looking forward to an amazing ending! :(

    Glad to meet you, Brooke! :)

    1. WELL, technically, Faith liked it and thought it was really good, I just hold it to a standard based off things that happened in Race to the Edge and it didn't meet that standard. I think it will be based on personal opinions, honestly. There were good things, but not enough to redeem it for me. XD XD

      Thank you!! <3 You too!

  10. The Selection...*sigh*
    America ranks pretty high in my most annoying narrators. Her and Mare from The Red Queen (which disappointingly has nothing to do with Wonderland.)I like to mesh their names together and call them MARE-ICA.


    1. I read it once already, but ya know, it would be fun to do the rant review because why not? XD I have been wanting to read The Red Queen but if its anything like the Selection, forget it.


  11. I might do this tag... :) I want my hair waist length too!

    Can't wait to see what your going to do on the blog! It looks great!

    1. Yes, please! I'd love to see it on your blog!

      Thanks!! <3

  12. I LOVE YOUR BLOG LOOK!! Its so pretty! The aesthetic!! *sighs* I can't! Can't wait to see more :)


  13. I'm loving the blog, Ebbie!!! Keep it up!!

    I had braces a while back. Still have my retainer which is nasty, frankly, but at least my teeth are straight now.

    1. Thank you!!

      Oh my gosh, I hate my retainer, but I need to get back to wearing it again, honestly. Do you have a metal or invisalign type retainer?

  14. Hey! I found your blog through Lisa's Inkwell, and I really enjoyed learning more about you!

    Looking forwards to seeing what you're going to post!
    Hanne ||

    1. Aww thank you! Lisa is THE BESTEST!

      Thanks!! <3

  15. I was really hoping I wasn't the only one who was disappointed with How to Train Your Dragon 3

    1. Oh my gosh, YES. FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE. It seemed like the characters weren't themselves, honestly.

  16. Love this!! I'm learning the same thing - about trusting God and not worrying. GEEZ, I'm such a worrywart. XP

    Your blog is looking FANTASTIC. <3

  17. Hi, Brooke! That is such a beautiful name, Keturah is right, it suits you! Your blog looks amazing so far, and I can't wait to read more posts!

  18. I’m just gonna go ahead and say I’ve been tagged cause I eventually wanna do this blog lol.

    Oh no, what didn’t you like about the Hidden World? I thought it was a pretty weak plot line, but in my mind the ending made up for that because it was the ending we deserved.

    Ooh, yes, Abbie and Kate are amazing and I love their videos and writing advice! <3
